Daily Archives: March 20, 2006

UN: Denmark acted “irresponsibly” in the cartoon crisis

If yesterday we saw the infamous poster the UN had made about “racism”, now we have another proof of the dhimmitude of the UN:

UN: Denmark Acted Irresponsibly in Cartoon Crisis,” from Zaman.com, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council, which prepared a report about the cartoon crisis, breaking out after the publication of insulting images of Prophet Muhammad, accused the Danish government of acting irresponsibly during the crisis period.
UN Higher Commissioner Louis [sic] Arbours special reporter Doudou Diene made harsh criticisms in his report about the Danish government and intellectuals along with the Danish daily Jyllands Posten, which published the blasphemous images first. The report stressed that beliefs should not be humiliated under the veil of freedom of expression as it dwelled on the importance of fighting against Islamophobia.

Why has the UN never issued the shadow of a hint of a peep about the many, many insults to Christianity that are published routinely in the West? The answer, of course, is because Christians don’t murder innocent people over such things.

My goodness…

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Filed under Dhimmies and Dhimmitude, Mohammed Cartoons, UN

Cardinal Ruini: Teaching Islam in schools could be dangerous

If the other say, Cardinal Martino said that Islam should be taught in public schools, today we have better news:

Rome, Mar. 20 (CWNews.com) – Teaching Islam in Italian public schools could be dangerous, Cardinal Camillo Ruini (bionews)has argued, unless it is accompanied by an energetic campaign to introduce students to the fundamental principles of Italian social policy.
Speaking in his capacity as president of the Italian bishops’ conference, Cardinal Ruini took a stand different from that of Cardinal Renato Martino (
bionews), who had argued last week that teaching Islam to Muslim students could be a welcome sign of respect for religious pluralism. Cardinal Martino, the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, saw the teaching of Islam in Italy as a gesture of the “reciprocity” that Church leaders have sought, in which European countries show their respect for Islam and demand the same sort of respect for Christianity in Muslim societies.


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An important video: jihad in Bosnia

I’ve found it in Red Sky:


Filed under Bosnia, Europe, terrorism

Afghan Man who converted to Christianity could be sentenced to death

Pastorius has posted it in IBA with a very good comment.
This is the type of things that make me feel really bad. Are really the Afghans and in general, the people of the Muslim countries prepared to know and to want democracy and human rights? Reading people as Sandmonkey (who has started a new blog outside blogger) or Freedom for Egytians or Eteraz -now one of my colleagues at IBA-, even if sometimes we don’t agree , I believe it. Because they recognise that the rest can have another ideas and opinions, and that is the base of democracy. I mean, only if you think that all people are equal, and as a result, can have an opinion just as valid as yours, democracy can function. If not, when you just position yourself above the rest, just judging as “commoners” all people that surrounds you and then thinking you above them all, the problems begin, and much more when that is not a personal problem BUT the problem of people who thinks of themselves as an elite. Precisely the equality in front of the law, the free press and the freedom of expression only were born in Europe when the classes, as compartimental groups which cannot be penetrated, dissappeared. The reason is obvious: if there are people in society which are above the rest, this people also cannot be critisized, and then the press cannot be free and the citizens cannot say freely what they think.
But when you see news like this -or the one that I just posted here only days ago about the Taliban’s justice-, I just doubt it. Because this people are only grounding their points of view in a religious book, and the religion, although lived in community with people of your same faith, is a personal election, and so cannot be elevated to the category of principle that should determine the aplicable law to a citizen.
I think Ronald Dworkin says it better than me, speaking about the Danish cartoons (HT: Pia Causa):

But religion must observe the principles of democracy, not the other way around. No religion can be permitted to legislate for everyone about what can or cannot be drawn any more than it can legislate about what may or may not be eaten. No one’s religious convictions can be thought to trump the freedom that makes democracy possible.”


Filed under Afghanistan, General

France and Turkey: more about the freedom of speech

Some days ago, I wrote about a project of a modification to the French constitution, which called for limitations of the free press. Not surprinsingly, the French Muslims have backed it:

French Muslims backed Saturday, March 18, a draft law criminalizing blasphemy, which has been put forward by an MP for the ruling Union for Popular Movement party (UMP).
“The Union of French Islamic Organizations (UOIF) is planning a campaign to support the UMP motion,” UOIF head in the heavily Muslim populated Saint Denis district, told IslamOnline.net.
He said representatives of key Muslim organizations in France have recently met with the head of the UMP’s parliamentary bloc to support the initiative and also called on other parties to rally behind the motion, which calls for amending an article in the press law better known as Law July 29, 1881.
Revealing the bill last week, Marc Bouraud, the ruling party’s MP for the Lez Avignon Villeneuve district in southeast France, said that free speech should not be exploited to blaspheme against a certain religion.
He told reporters that France should not tolerate those who incite hatredand criminalize any speech and caricatures blasphemous to any religion.
The MP said he was driven by the Danish cartoons crisis, which “exposed the fragile link between freedom of expression and freedom of belief and thought.”
The motion says that “any speech, yelling, written or printed threat, or drawings attacking a certain religion is considered blasphemy that must be punished.

HT: Plus+Ultra Blog.
At the same time, Turkey is insisting (again) in requesting the EU the need to “protect more Islam“:

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Filed under European Union, France, Mohammed Cartoons, Turkey

Britain and the US are building new warheads

From TimesOnlIne:

BRITAIN has been secretly designing a new nuclear warhead in conjunction with the Americans, provoking a legal row over the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The government has been pushing ahead with the programme while claiming that no decision has been made on a successor to Britain’s Trident nuclear deterrent. Work on a new weapon by scientists at the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire has been under way since Tony Blair was re-elected last May, and is now said to be ahead of similar US research.

The aim is to produce a simpler device using proven components to avoid breaching the ban on nuclear testing. Known as the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW), it is being designed so that it can be tested in a laboratory rather than by detonation.

“We’ve got to build something that we can never test and be absolutely confident that, when we use it, it will work,” one senior British source said last week.

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Filed under Great Britain, nuclear crisis, Uncategorized, USA

Pupils made pray to Allah in a Catholic school

And the dhimmitud continues: from THE SUN:

BEWILDERED pupils prayed to Allah in front of an 8ft CRUCIFIX, it emerged yesterday.

One boy at the Catholic school was so worried he had betrayed his faith he went straight to confession.

The students, aged 13 and 14, were given prayer mats and compasses to find East — the direction of Mecca.

They were then told how to kneel and bow their heads like faithful Muslims at St Richard Gwyn RC High School, in Barry, South Wales.

The mum of one of the kids said last night: “We chose to send our children to a Catholic school. We don’t expect them to come home saying they have been praying to Allah. I’m sure Muslims would be quite offended if it was the other way round.”

But head of RE Nicola Price said “empathy” lessons in different faiths had long been on the curriculum.

She added: “They are not asked to actually pray.”

Courtesy of the English Kaffir.

She added: “They are not asked to actually pray.” This is good to be said in a Catholic school. An explanation is not needed (if it’s a Catholic school, then the prayers should be Catholic ones…) and if it’s given we all know the Latin proverb: excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta

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Filed under Dhimmies and Dhimmitude, Great Britain