Monthly Archives: March 2006

Two articles

"We are on the eve of war with the Islamic world, which will wage a war and all kinds of actions and attacks against the Western world. We already noticed the terrorists in the world hit Spain, England, France. I call it World War III. You must look at it from this angle and treat it wider, not as a problem of terrorism here and there," said Amit [served as Mossad chief from 1963 to 1968, is now called the "living legend" and still works as a chairman of Israel's Center for Special Studies], speaking during an exclusive interview with WND's Aaron Klein and ABC Radio's John Batchelor broadcast on Batchelor's national program, for which Klein serves as a co-host. (Listen to the Amit interview.)

It looks to me like it is a kind of coordinated or contemplated problem to somehow impose the Islamic idea all over the world," Amit said.

Article appeared at World Net


Only four types of individuals can deny the threat to civilization posed by the violence-supporting segment of Islam: the willfully naive, America-haters, Jew-haters and those afraid to confront evil.

Anyone else sees the contemporary reality — the genocidal Islamic regime in Sudan; the widespread Muslim theological and emotional support for the killing of a Muslim who converts to another religion; the absence of freedom in Muslim-majority countries; the widespread support for Palestinians who randomly murder Israelis; the primitive state in which women are kept in many Muslim countries; the celebration of death; the "honor killings" of daughters; and so much else that is terrible in significant parts of the Muslim world — knows that civilized humanity has a new evil to fight.

Just as previous generations had to fight Nazism, communism and fascism, our generation has to confront militant Islam.

Dennis Prager on Jihad Watch.

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Filed under Articles, Islamofascism, terrorism

Imams in black


A little bit of humour from


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The future chief of the Anglican Church

It's not very encouraging, isn't it?

From Daniel Pipes

Mar. 25, 2006 update: As the first Westerner ever to address the Al Imam Mohammad Bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Charles […] chose to give Muslims some advice about modernizing their religion. Note the "we" in the following quote: "I think we need to recover the depth, the subtlety, the generosity of imagination, the respect for wisdom that so marked Islam in its great ages." He also said Jews and Christians should learn from Islamic teachings:

What is so distinctive of the great ages of faith surely was that they understood, as well as sacred texts … the meaning of God's word for all time and its meaning for this time. … it was Islam's greatness to understand this in its full depth and challenge. This is what you … can give not only to Islam but by example to all the other children of Abraham.

[Back] in a 1997 Middle East Quarterly article titled "Prince Charles of Arabia," Ronni L. Gordon and David M. Stillman looked at evidence that Britain's Prince Charles might be a secret convert to Islam. They shifted through his public statements (defending Islamic law, praising the status of Muslim women, seeing in Islam a solution for Britain's ailments) and actions (setting up a panel of twelve "wise men" to advise him on Islamic religion and culture), then concluded that, "should Charles persist in his admiration of Islam and defamation of his own culture," his accession to the throne will indeed usher in a "different kind of monarchy."

And from Militant Islam Monitor:

 Charles considers Christianity inadequate to the task of spiritual restoration and denigrates science for having caused the West to lose its spiritual moorings. Echoing a common Muslim theme, he declares that "Western civilisation has become increasingly acquisitive and exploitive in defiance of our environmental responsibilities." Instead, he praises the "Islamic revival" of the 1980s and portrays Islam as Britain's salvation:

Islam can teach us today a way of understanding and living in the world which Christianity itself is poorer for having lost. At the heart of Islam is its preservation of an integral view of the Universe. Islam-like Buddhism and Hinduism-refuses to separate man and nature, religion and science, mind and matter, and has preserved a metaphysical and unified view of ourselves and the world around us. . . . But the West gradually lost this integrated vision of the world with Copernicus and Descartes and the coming of the scientific revolution. A comprehensive philosophy of nature is no longer part of our everyday beliefs.

Eurabian News has also a post on this item -in Spanish-.


Filed under Dhimmies and Dhimmitude, Great Britain

The faces of Youssouf’s accomplices

These are the faces of the Youssouf's accomplices. Youssouf is the chief of "the barbares", the gang who tortured and killed Ilan Hallimi. Continue reading

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Filed under Antisemitic attitudes, France, racism

Abu Laban is the “Godfather”

Imam Abu Laban of pig-eared fame apparently knew about a planned “Martyr action” on February 21st. Quoting from my transcript of previously unreleased footage from Mohammed Sifaoui, the journalist who broke the news of Imam Ahmed Akkari’s death threats against Naser Khader. Imam Abu Laban is speaking of a man who plans to execute a martyr operation in connection with the Battle of Khartoon:

{He’s doing everything to get contacts.}
{He’s contacted Amr Moussa and he means to wreak absolute havoc.}
{He wants to join the fray and turn it into a Martyr operation right now.}

MALE VOICE: Even though we do not know of whom Abu Laban is speaking and where the martyr operation is supposed to happen, the politicians do not like the sound of things.

(in the picture we see Abu Laban efore entering the car where he spoke the words that already now spell the doom of his career as a spokesman for Moslems and a citizen of Denmark.
HT: Agora.

Agora says also that Danish politicians are shocked. Well, from one point of view, is normal. But after knowing the Akkari-Nasrem case I am not the least surprised.

Go over and read it. The post -excellent as ever- has also a very good point about the reactions from politicians. I am not the least surprised that Sifaoui has called them extermists. But says they are worse than terrorists:

I have never suggested that Abu Laban or Ahmed Akkari are terrorists themselves – in the sense that they’re bombers. They’re something much worse: They’re the the ideologues which give the young mad-man the necessary excuse – the ideological grounds – for carrying out an act of terror in Denmark.”

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Filed under Denmark, Imams and Terrorism, Mohammed Cartoons, terrorism

The future of France

How on earth is going to survive a country where their own "youths" are calling to handle the country to the foreigners?

Well, just see this post (video included) from E-nough:

[…] some gangs joined the demonstration. Gangs of "youths", this time the ones that made Parisian suburbs burn last November (after all, if the co-Allah-bobos burn cars in the streets of the capital city, you really thought the "youths" wouldn't want to join them?). Mostly young people from Africa again from what we've seen (one member of the BAF tried to film them and was advised not-so-kindly not to use his camera).

NOTE: the riots this time are about the CPE (contrat de Premier Emploi or First job Contract). From Franc-Echos, le blog in English, we have some photos of the riots. You can also see NO PASARÁN: Paris Riot Watch.

You can also see the "communiqué" of the Union Action Police:

The ‘casseurs’ (destroyers) of the ghettos, who are the same as the rioters of November 2005, are organizing themselves through Internet blogs to call to insurrection during the anti-CPE demonstrations that are planned for Tuesday in the afternoon, starting at the Place d’Italie in Paris.

Those blogs are calling to destroy “Jews, Whites and riches”. You can also read on those blogs: “France must be burnt, as Hamas will burn Israel”. It is obvious that the racial and religious violence will reach a new level this afternoon. Having noted the severe lack of security in the last police devices, and the different concepts of order among the different actors, it will be very hard (¡!) to keep public order. We recommend to the more vulnerable not to go to this protest, and to the demonstrators to remain in compact groups.

This is marvellous hein? But then there are people who accuse Whites of being racists. My goodness…

UPDATE: I was forgetting about this piece of news my colleagues over at Eurabian News have posted: destruction of the Christian inheritance in France (I translate the most important part of it).

Hordas vandálicas han penetrado en la École de Chartes, dependiente de la Sorbona, han tomado y tirado después por las calles, incluso quemado delante de la capilla de la Sorbona, documentos de las abadías de Paris y alrededores. Se trata de documentos oficiales y de derecho privado de la Edad Media, con una antigüedad de más de diez siglos en algunos casos.

Translation: Vandalic hords have penetrated in the École de Chartres, that depends from the Sorbone, have taken and thrown into rubbish after in the streets, even burnt in front of the Sorbona's chapelle, documents of the Paris abbeys andof others from the surroundings. They are offic¡al documents and of private law from the Middle Ages, more than 10 centuries old in some cases.

You can also read it at France-Echos: le blog in English.
And last but not least:

Death to Democracy! cries this painting. This is really worrying, worrying indeed. Not only because it's France but also because France is a part of Europe.

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Filed under Anti-Christian attitudes, Antisemitic attitudes, France, racism

More about Rahman and Afghanistan

We have known today that Rahman has asked for asylum in any foreign country:

 KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan man who faced the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity has appealed for asylum in another country, the United Nations said Monday.

U.N. spokesman Adrian Edwards said the world body was working with the Afghan government to meet the request by Abdul Rahman, 41.

"Mr. Rahman has asked for asylum outside Afghanistan," Edwards said. "We expect this will be provided by one of the countries interested in a peaceful solution to this case."

 And Italy has sought for obtaining his asylum:

ROME – Italy's foreign minister will ask the government to grant asylum to an Afghan man who had faced the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity….

Abdul Rahman, 41, was released from prison late Monday, a day after the court dismissed the case under pressure from the Bush administration.

He quickly dropped out of sight, as Muslim clerics in his country continued to call for his death.

BUT why on earth no one was there waiting to protect him? A man who has received so many death threats, how can be left alone in a country where his own family has accused him and his own father has called him a traitor? We knew the Afghan Government was not going to do very much? BUt how about the International Forces?

The problem now is that he has disappeared: no one has seen him since. Afghan authorities have settled him to have mental treatment in the West. I just do not know what to make of it. Is he in hiding protecting by International troops and as a secure measure no one has said where he is? Or has he been kidnapped?

BUT there are also MORE Christians detained for the horrible, despicable crime of being Christians:

According to Compass Direct -a monitor of Christian persecution-, two other Afghan Christians were jailed in the past few days.

"Because of the sensitive situation, local sources requested that the location of the jailed converts be withheld," the organization said.

Compass Direct also reports that this past weekend, one young Afghan convert to Christianity was severely beaten outside his home by a group of six men who eventually knocked him unconscious with a hard blow to his temple. He woke up in the hospital two hours later, but later was discharged.

"Our brother remains steadfast, despite the ostracism and beatings," one of his friends is reported to have said.

The link does not tell anything of accusing the beaters and send them to jail. Maybe the Government thinks: "hey, they are doing that work for us". Each day passes along, each day I am more disgusted with the so-called powers of this world. BUT I am more displeased even with the so-called "intelectuals" and non-governmental organizations, who are so eager pointing out the human rights violations in a lt of Western countries and yet are so quiet when talking about the ones that happen in these part of the world. They are just silent. They do nothing. They say nothing. Even this is really a very grave violation that keeps repeating everyday

It's disgusting to see it's all a theatre, just made to think themselves are better all the rest of the world. I would like to see how many of them will face death with the same braveness and greatness of mind as this man has done.

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Filed under Afghanistan, Brave men