Category Archives: Germany

Violence in school to change policy in Germany?

Violence at a Berlin school has prompted calls in Germany to overhaul the country's education system and provide better integration for immigrant children.

Pictures of hooded pupils pelting journalists with heavy cobblestones and police officers lining the entrance of the Ruetli school in the heavily Turkish and Arab Neukoelln district of Berlin have filled primetime news since Thursday.

Four weeks ago, teachers at the Ruetli school sent a desperate letter to state authorities asking for help and the closure of their current school."

Any help for our school could only improve the situation," the teachers wrote, saying they had been attacked by pupils and that many would only enter a class room with their mobile phones switched on to be able to call for assistance immediately.

"Looking ahead, the school as it is should be dissolved in favor of a new one with a completely different setup," the teachers added.

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Filed under Belgium, Germany, Turkey, violence

Security Council Fails To Reach Accord on Iran

The Security Council’s five permanent members and Germany failed to reach agreement at a meeting Monday on how to respond to the Iranian nuclear crisis but said they would forge ahead in the coming days to break the impasse.
The deadlock comes as U.S. and European officials confirmed that Britain had presented the United States with a paper outlining a possible diplomatic strategy to resolve the crisis, including new talks and concessions. But the British representative at Monday’s talks, John Sawers, said Britain had not made such a proposal at the meeting.
Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns said the United States is not going to participate in direct negotiations with Iran on the nuclear issue.
Top foreign policy coordinators for the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany issued a joint statement that echoed an agreement Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had reached with those five governments in January. The statement expressed “deep concern” that Iran has “failed to respond positively” to requests by the United Nations’ Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency to suspend its uranium enrichment activities and allow for more intrusive U.N. inspections of its nuclear energy program.

From the Washington Post

Iran must be very worried because of this “deep concern”.

At the same time, Victor Harel, the Israeli Ambassador in Spain has stated that

“Iran is an international danger” because of “its economic potential, the antisemitism of his President, Ahmadinejad, and its intentions of achieving nuclear weapons”.

He also added that is necessary that the EU, USA and Israel continue to be united in pointing Iran as an international danger and the “conclusive” diplomacy, because if that policy does not succed “we will enter a much more dangerous path”.

Accordingly to Iran Focus, not only Israel is going to be the target -being that grave enough-, but looks like Iran is making an alliance with the Al-Qaeda people living in Iran.

We should also read a very discouraging post from Sandmonkey. The comments are also worth reading.

And by the way, looks like BBC has signed a deal with Iran. In fact a HUGE ad campaign:

The publicity campaign will be in the form of advertisements introducing cultural, historical and development attractions of Iran,” said Deputy Head of ICHTF for Cultural and Communication Affairs Alireza Sajjadpour.

Talking to IRNA, he referred to BBC, CNN, Germany’s ZDF, al-Jazeera and al-Arabia as the international TV networks selected for introducing the tourist sites.

“We have signed a huge agreement with BBC,” he added. He, however, declined to cite the contracts’ details.

Are they going to talk about the mullahs and the human rights abuses? Are they going to speak about the women’s situation? I think it’s good that the internal situation of Iran is known abroad. But really, an ad campaign paid the ayatollahs is going to really show the real Iran? I just doubt it.We have only good news about the dissident Akbar Ganji, who is home at last: although he is very frail, he is more determined now to say what he said 6 years ago.

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Filed under Brave men, France, Germany, Great Britain, Iran, nuclear crisis, Spain, USA

A UN infamous campaign and the blasphemous Die Welt

More bad news: if this last Friday we knew about the Danish Muslims and their report to the UN Commsioner on Human Rights, today, the Nordish Portal informs of a new UN campaign :

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has started a new campaign against racism, captioned by this newly created, downloadable flyer:

The little Lego piece is quite obviously accentuated in the poster, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is a thinly-veiled reference to Denmark supposedly being a “racist” country.

HT: Plus Ultra

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Filed under Denmark, Germany, Mohammed Cartoons